DIY: Chain Strap Heels

Hello! :)
Okay, let's start with this "Do It Yourself". I wanted a sexy ankle strap heel since a long time ago and I found a Chain Strap Heels (gorgeous BTW) but it was over $100 bucks and that's too expensive for my budget so I though -you know what I can make one on my own. I literally spend under $50 bucks making this. So if I can, you can too. 


  • 2 Ankle Strap Heels (Sale on a Shoe Store) $10.70
  • 2 Feet of Chain (Fabric Store) $7.98
  • Thread
  • Needle
  • Scissors 
  • Pliers  
  • Spikes *this is extra*

Here is the ankle strap heels that I bought for $5.35, I know that are kind of ugly, but that's the point to transform it into fancy shoes for less.


Take the scissors and cut off all that extra fabric on the heels. (this is my case, if you bought I plain strap heels skip this step)

Now take the chain and measure how long you need the chain for the strap and with the pliers separate it like so..

With the needle and thread attach the chain to the strap. (If you don't know how to
sew, you can ask for help or glue it with a good craft glue.)

And there you have it my own Chain Strap Heels. I'm so proud with the results 

This is another idea. The second pair of strap heels that I bought I attached to them some spikes as you can see on the photo. Easy right?! ;)

 This are the Chain Strap Heels that I found over $100 bucks.

(This outfit you can find it on my Polyvore Page

Hope you like and if you recreate this let me know.
xoxo Daisy 


  1. Amazing ankle strap high heels.....................visit our sites for getting high heels on another stylish trendy footwear or clothes.


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